Syracuse Mets
SYRACUSE METS HOT DOG STAND – Ongoing throughout Spring and Summer
We staff a hot dog cart at the Syracuse Mets for about half of their home games. Typically only 3 people are needed per game, sometimes a 4th for "busy" Thursday ($2 hot dog) games. This can be a lot of fun and beneficial for your student account.
For each shift worked, $50 will go toward your student's account and any additional money earned, including tips, will support the whole program through the general fund
We have numerous ways you can sign up to work shifts at the Mets:
● Click the link in the Band Notes
● Send an email to the Mets/Dome Coordinators at
Workers earn a flat fee towards their student account for each event worked! This is a great way to meet other band parents and to really put a dent in that student account. Our goal is that each member’s family can cover 3 shifts. Workers must be at least 16 years of age (this is a Dome rule, not ours) and family and friends can work towards your account. Band members are encouraged to work games that do not conflict with band.